Immersive Days

Fully interactive quality session on your site(s)

An intensive day using our Construction Quality Review and Claims data to help you deep dive into trending quality issues.

One of our regional Construction Quality Reviewers will join your team (up to five people) for a day to visit up to two of your sites. They will look at trending quality issues that we see in our Construction Quality Reviews (CQRs), or they will focus on areas of your choice where we have the specific data to support this. 

They will discuss any issues identified and run through what you can do to improve quality in these areas, drawing on existing processes and your own experiences. Good practice will also be noted. These visits do not count towards CQR scores.

An Immersive Day is perfect for an in-depth look at quality matters. They give Construction/Production Directors, Contracts Managers and site teams the chance to focus intently on key quality topics for the day.

Immersive Days FAQ

New! Timber frame Immersive Day

Timber frame is reported to be the most cost-effective structural build type. Some builders are already positioning themselves to increase their use of it as an alternative to traditional construction and, with the possibility of embodied carbon being included in a future Standard, it’s a topical area. But how do you get it right first time and what are the quality issues to look out for?

A timber frame Immersive Day will provide some of the answers. Led by one of our Construction Quality Reviewers, we’ll spend a day with your team on site running through the Construction Quality Review and Claims data we hold on timber frame construction and looking at the workmanship and processes on your site.

Suitable for those who already have an understanding of timber frame construction or those waiting to attend a formal timber frame training course that require some key areas of focus in the interim.

Timber frame Immersive Day FAQ

Contact us for more information

If you would like more information on Immersive Days please use the contact form below or call our Construction Quality team

Construction Quality team

0344 633 1000

Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Make an enquiry about our Immersive Days

    Please complete this form and we will get back to you within 3 working days to discuss your requirements.