Accepted Systems

the nhbc accepts banner in light blue with the nhbc logo and white text

An NHBC Accepts logo shows that an innovative system has been rigorously assessed and that we consider it can meet our robust NHBC Standards. It also demonstrates that, subject to appropriate design and installation, the system can be used in homes covered by all our warranty products.

The Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) category is taken from the categorisation as per Government definition framework and as proposed by system owner. This definition framework has been developed by a specialist sub-group of the MHCLG MMC cross industry working group.

All of our NHBC Accepted systems can be found with their certificate in the table below. Simply enter the keyword you are searching for, or select "Filter" to filter by Generic Form, Type or MMC category.


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Total Results: 35

Technical disclaimer

NHBC Accepts is not an independent accreditation scheme or any form of performance guarantee and third parties should engage with the relevant manufacturer on performance of their product. No documentation, information and advice relating to NHBC Accepts may be adapted, disclosed, or distributed to any third party. NHBC Services Ltd accepts no duty of care and assumes no responsibility to any third party. Any third party who chooses to rely upon an NHBC Accepts certificate (or any documentation, information and advice relating to the NHBC Accepts service) shall do so entirely at their own risk and NHBC Services Ltd accepts no duty of care or liability for any damage or loss, however caused, in connection with the use of or reliance on any documentation, information and advice relating to NHBC Accepts.