NHBC Foundation Research
Delivering high-quality research and guidance to help the house-building industry address the challenges of delivering 21st-century new homes
Learn moreI can set the programmer to 28°C but the actual temperature never gets to that - there’s something wrong with the design.
The complexity and best use of new homes will need some explanation from house builders and providers and some ‘learning’ from residents. For housing associations and landlords where tenancies might change frequently, the demonstration and induction process has to be repeated for every incoming household.
The future home will behave differently from a simple traditional home and the complexity of technology and control systems means that settings and operation are not likely to be as intuitive. The controller in the example was a standard design with a maximum temperature of 28°C on the scale. However, the heating system was never designed to get up to that temperature. There was no apparent technology failure but there was some user misunderstanding and an unfulfilled expectation.
The next question, from the elderly and vulnerable resident, was to ask why the system could not get up to 28°C. The point is that there will be some restrictions placed on householders and some changes in habits will be necessary.
A home with a low temperature heating system may not get up to temperature from cold as fast as a home heated with a gas boiler and, if it does, it may be at the expense of energy efficiency and carbon emissions. Heating systems that use central or communal systems generally distribute heat at an optimal temperature to balance heating capacity within the building with potential losses in distribution. Generally, the lower the flow and return temperatures the fewer losses will occur. Designing for actual loads, both heating and hot water, and the ‘diversity’ of use in communal systems is a very specialised activity. Rules of thumb that used to suffice will not work for the future home.
Delivering high-quality research and guidance to help the house-building industry address the challenges of delivering 21st-century new homes
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